Part of original Fleming family property in Clay County to begin new era of ownership

Tucked away on a moss-draped parcel of land in Fleming Island, a midcentury brick ranch home for sale may seem fairly nondescript — well-maintained and spacious, but otherwise not terribly exciting, except for the view.

Its location on 5.65 acres at the edge of the St. Johns River offers those stunning water vistas that instantly provide a note of serenity at the beginning or end of each day. This particular piece of real estate, however, also conveys with a big helping of local history.

The parcel was originally part of a sprawling plantation belonging to the Fleming family, for whom the community of Fleming Island was named.

For those who’ve ever wondered, yes — it really is an island, bounded by Black Creek, the St. Johns River and Swimming Pen Creek. The fourth water boundary is identified on surveys as impassable wetlands, which could be the source of some confusion. More than two centuries ago, it may have been a more pronounced stretch of open water, but time (and development) have a way of blurring some lines.

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