Jacksonville Feb 18 Weekly Crime Report: 1447 Incidents and 50 Crime Stories

Jacksonville Feb 18 Weekly Crime Report: 1447 Incidents and 50 Crime Stories


During the last week, Jacksonville witnessed a total of 1447 crime cases. The crime data shows a significant number of arguments, accounting for 516 incidents, making it the most common crime. This is followed by domestic-related incidents with 244 cases. Suspicious situations were reported 168 times, while theft and assault cases were also noticeable with 134 and 124 incidents respectively. Other crimes such as hit & run, arrest, other unspecified crimes, burglary, and vandalism were comparatively lower, ranging from 60 to 33 cases. The least reported crime was shooting, with 25 incidents. The data suggests a concerning prevalence of argument-related and domestic-related crimes in the place, indicating a potential need for community-based conflict resolution and domestic violence prevention measures.

Incidents Last Week
Argument 516
Domestic Related 244
Suspicious Situation 168
Theft 134
Assault 124
Hit & Run 60
Arrest 58
Other 43
Burglary 42
Vandalism 33

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