Florida State Representative Opens Cafe Resistance Bookstore To Challenge State’s Book Bans

State Rep. Angie Nixon’s Cafe Resistance bookstore spotlights works centered on Black history.

In a move to counter Florida’s controversial book bans, State Representative Angie Nixon has unveiled Cafe Resistance, a unique bookstore in Northwest Jacksonville.

This literary haven, which opened its doors on June 30, spotlights works centered on Black history, with a particular focus on titles prohibited by the Florida Department of Education.

“We can learn our true history in the roots, and you know, push back against the overbearing legislature and an overbearing governor, who just really wants to keep people uneducated,” Nixon told First Coast News.

Nixon’s initiative seeks to challenge Florida’s Bill 1467. The bookstore’s launch addresses the troubling trend of book bans sweeping across Florida and other states. In April, BLACK ENTERPRISE revisited the 2023 surge in book bans, noting a staggering 3,135 bans were reported across 11 school districts in Florida.

The legislator’s vision extends beyond mere book sales; Cafe Resistance aspires to be a vibrant community hub and cultural epicenter. “I just wanted to give back,” Nixon said. The space boasts a welcoming children’s area and a cozy coffee shop, fostering an atmosphere of learning and togetherness. The bookstore’s shelves are adorned with works by Black authors, many of which have been unceremoniously removed from school libraries across the Sunshine State. Nixon asserts that some of these banned books are essential for teaching accurate history, particularly Black history.

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