Jacksonville can lead the way in addressing need for systemic mental health solutions

It’s time to rethink how we address the mental health epidemic gripping our society. New research suggests better long-term solutions may come from addressing root causes, as opposed to focusing only on treating disorders after-the-fact.

A recent American Journal of Public Health report, “The Social Context of Mental Health, Bereavement and Grief,” advocates for implementation of a public mental health agenda that includes societal interventions along with legislative policies that address the fundamental causes of mental health disorders in our communities.

The focus, according to the report, should be on prevention of mental health challenges as opposed to just solving individual conditions.

Understanding and addressing the fundamental links between mental health disorders and societal determinants of health is crucial . We, as a society, must get fully ahead of the growing epidemic fought daily by mental health professionals like those at The LJD Jewish Family & Community Services.

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