Letters: Jacksonville pediatrician calls for food prescriptions to battle child hunger

Prescription for child hunger

As a pediatrician committed to the health and well-being of children, I am writing to shed light on an innovative approach to address childhood hunger in our community — food prescriptions.

Food is essential for a child’s growth, development, overall well-being and a fundamental determinant of health. Just as we prescribe medications to treat and vitamins to prevent illnesses, prescribing healthy foods can play a crucial role in optimizing the health and well-being of children — many of whom may not otherwise have access to the nutrition they need .

Recent research documents the potential benefits of integrating food prescriptions into our health care system . This strategy not only addresses daily nutritional gaps in children, but also the socioeconomic barriers that hinder many families from accessing healthy foods.

By providing families with the means to buy produce and other food products, we empower them to make healthier choices, potentially reducing the prevalence of diet-related diseases among children.

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