Order: Jacksonville lawyer in prison for fraud can try to get law license back after release

A Jacksonville attorney serving prison time for fraud could ask to get her law license back almost as soon as her sentence is complete, Florida’s Supreme Court has decided.

Shaquandra Woods , 41, would still need approval from a committee deciding her future for the Florida Bar, but a court order in late August allows her to apply for readmission after five years of having her license revoked.

Woods, who was licensed in both Florida and Georgia, was sentenced in April to be locked up six years and three months for defrauding a COVID-19 small business relief program, but prisoners who follow the rules are usually released after finishing 85% of their terms.

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That would cut about a year off her sentence, which Woods was ordered to begin serving in June. A federal Bureau of Prisons inmate database said she’s at a facility in Marianna — west of Tallahassee —  where there’s a minimum-security camp for women.

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