Tips, arrests, rewards: Crime Stoppers carries on mission of the man behind it 17 years

For the last 20-plus years, First Coast Crime Stoppers has shared about 60,000 tips leading to arrests of over 4,400 suspects, solving about 130 murders and divvying out roughly $1 million in reward money.

The nonprofit’s new executive director intends to sustain that momentum and modernize its operations for the next generation of tipsters. Chase Robinson worked under and learned from the man largely credited for it all, the late Wyllie Hodges , who died just over a year ago at age 76. He had a 35-year career with the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office followed by 17 years as executive director of the Jacksonville-based Crime Stoppers.

“He certainly left an impact on me that I want to continue to infuse into First Coast Crime Stoppers ,” said Robinson, the organization’s previous office manager.

He said for the last year First Coast Crime Stoppers paid out a record $40,150 in cash rewards. Their presence often is evident by the iconic reward signs posted at crime scenes.

“No amount of information is insignificant,” Robinson said. “The smallest detail can be the turning point in a criminal investigation. If you have seen/heard anything, call/message First Coast Crime Stoppers. That afterthought in your head or hearsay you thought not important can bring justice to a grieving family, removal of drugs or drug dealers from the streets, or security to victims of domestic violence.”

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