Uninsured Duval County residents can get free telehealth care by calling Healthlink JAX

Duval County residents who lack health insurance can now get free medical assistance through a city hotline called Healthlink JAX that connects people with doctors for round-the-clock virtual care and also sets them up with regular primary care physicians for non-emergency appointments.

Mayor Donna Deegan said Healthlink JAX will give uninsured residents an alternative to emergency room visits that put a financial burden on them and drive up the overall cost of the health care system.

“This is a great day for Jacksonville and I think that over time, you’re going to see what a revolutionary piece this is going to be for our community in terms of providing better health and frankly providing better financial health for our community,” she said last week during the announcement of Healthlink JAX.

Here is how the program will work.

Healthlink JAX will provide around-the-clock telehealth visit

Just as emergency rooms are open 24 hours a day, the Healthlink JAX line also will be open at all hours to Duval County residents without health insurance by calling (904) 925-2273. Healthlink will connect the caller with a doctor who can provide telehealth assistance based on the medical condition of the person calling.

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