Part 2: One possible solution to the BHPSNJ Busing Issue

Addressing follow-up questions and conversation regarding adjusting school start times to provide for more busing

-Written by a non-politically connected Educator in the Community

As questions and commentary arose on our first article regarding staggering school start times for Berkeley Heights Public Schools (BHPS), there are questions still to be answered.

These are matters that should have been resolved from the prior Board of Education before implementation of the redistricting associated with Full Day Kindergarten in 2021.

First, the proposal of double-tiering or triple-tiering the busing makes it easier to recruit bus drivers looking to obtain more hours per shift (especially within a couple short hours in the morning and afternoon). The goal is to be cost-effective for the district.

While the prior staggered school start time article from June 18th does not target the courtesy versus subscription busing issue, the hope is that busing would be available to more students than currently. Additionally, busing more students will help diminish the drop off line and vehicular traffic at each building!

Story continues