New York City Black Burial Ground Honoring Frederick Douglas Gets Landmarked

A Black burial ground in Staten Island, New York, named in honor of Frederick Douglas, has received landmark status.

The New York City Landmark Preservation Commission (LPC) made the designation after a proposal released earlier this year. According to New York Amsterdam News , they decided to change its status given its history. It stands as one of the last cemeteries built by and for Black New Yorkers.

Its new landmark status will ensure the burial ground receives receives protections and resources for future generations. New York City Councilmember Kamillah Hanks declared the area as a “celebration of African American heritage.”

“This recognition is long overdue and will solidify Frederick Douglass Memorial Park’s place in our city’s history,” said Hanks in a statement. “Landmark status will provide the necessary support and resources to maintain and enhance the park, allowing it to continue serving as a place of reflection, remembrance, and celebration of African American heritage. By (having it achieve) landmark status, we ensure that future generations recognize and honor the contributions of African Americans to our city’s rich history.”

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