Beloved Soul Food Luncheon Returns to KCC for Black History Month Celebrations

Kellogg Community College (KCC) will host the Soul Food Luncheon on Tuesday, February 20. This event is part of KCC’s annual Black History Month celebrations. It will start at 11 a.m. in the Binda Performing Arts Center lobby. Tickets can be bought on the day of the event. They cost $5 for students and $10 for others.

The Soul Food Luncheon at KCC offers a menu of traditional African American dishes. This year, KCC employees will prepare fried chicken, ribs, pound cake, and peach cobbler. Battle Creek’s Taste-A-Licious Catering will provide sweet potatoes and collard greens.

L. Marshall Washington, former Vice President of Student Services at KCC, started the event. He wanted to share his family’s recipes with the college community and the public. Over time, the event has expanded to include recipes from other KCC employees and their families.

For more details about the Soul Food Luncheon or other Black History Month events at KCC, people can visit the college’s website or contact the Student Life Office. KCC also posts news and press releases online for those who want to stay updated on KCC’s activities and events.

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