Alert for Three Rivers Residents: High Lead Levels in Local Drinking Water

Three Rivers, Michigan, has alerted its residents about the ongoing high lead levels in its drinking water. The first alert was issued on August 3, 2023, when lead test results exceeded the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) action level of 15 parts per billion (ppb). Further tests from July to December 2023 also showed results above this level. The city conducted a second round of tests on known lead service lines, with five homes showing results over 15 ppb.

The Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) assesses compliance with the action level based on the 90th percentile of lead and copper results. The city’s water supply lead 90th percentile is 16 ppb, above the action level. The action level is a measure of corrosion control effectiveness, not a health-based standard. The goal for lead in drinking water is 0 ppb, as no level of lead in the blood is safe. An action level exceedance means that more than 10% of the tested homes have results over 15 ppb.

This exceedance has triggered additional actions such as customer education, regular sampling every six months, water corrosivity assessment, and service line replacement. Lead can contaminate drinking water when it comes into contact with pipes, solder, interior plumbing, fittings, and fixtures that contain lead. Homes with lead service lines are at a higher risk of having high lead levels in their drinking water. If water has been sitting in pipes for several hours, it is advised to run the water before using it for drinking or cooking.

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