Local KCC Women’s Bowling Team Clinches Historic First State Championship


The women’s bowling team at Kellogg Community College (KCC) won the Michigan Community College Athletic Association Bowling Championship. This is the first state championship for women’s bowling at KCC. Schoolcraft College hosted the championship at Merri-Bowl Lanes in Livonia. The team includes Abigail Grimm, Gillian Lemon, Isabelle Pachan, Brooklyn Page, and Brianna Pawloski.

Brooklyn Page had a successful day, contributing to the team championship and also winning the Women’s Singles Champion and Women’s All-Event Champion titles. The men’s team also competed, finishing ninth.

KCC Bowling Coach Brad Morgan expressed satisfaction with the team’s performance. He said, ‘The team had a great day and won several awards. I am proud of both of my teams.”

The KCC bowling teams will compete next at the National Junior College Athletic Association Region XII Meet on Friday, Feb. 16, at Royal Scot in Lansing. For more information about KCC bowling, visit kelloggbruins.com or contact Coach Brad Morgan.

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