‘Coldest Night of the Year’ walk raises money for people facing hunger

Nearly one in nine of our neighbors including 65,000 children are food insecure in West Michigan.

It’s an ongoing problem, and an organization that began in Canada is continuing its mission to help.

“The Coldest Night of the Year” is a family-friendly fundraising walk in support of local charities serving people experiencing hurt, hunger, and homelessness.

A walk is being held in Battle Creek this year to raise funds for the South Michigan Food Bank on Saturday, February 24.

The Battle Creek walk is hoping to raise $20,000 to help add to the goal of $1 million at walks across the country.

The walk will begin outside the South Michigan Food Bank. Check-in starts 4:00 p.m. with the walk beginning at 5 p.m. Walkers can participate in either a 2K or 5K. All participants must register online .

Fundraising walkers who raise $150+ (or $75+ for those under 18) will receive a “Coldest Night of the Year” toque as a thank you on event day.

Sunshine Toyota is the official “Pace Car” for the event bringing light and increased safety for the walkers.

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