Family welcomes baby in Kalamazoo brewery parking lot

KALAMAZOO, Mich. (WOOD) — A Vicksburg couple’s son could not wait to reach the hospital before being born in the parking lot of a Kalamazoo brewery.

Mom Kyle Baker said the couple can’t stop commenting on it: “We just had a baby in a car in front of One Well Brewery. Like, what?”

Kyle and Aaron Baker have two daughters, a 2-year-old and a 3-year-old. Both were born a week later than expected, so the couple was preparing for the same as they awaited the arrival of their third child. They had an appointment to induce labor a week before the baby’s expected due date.

“After nine months, you’re kind of like. ‘All right, let’s get this show on the road and everything.’ I guess God heard me a little, little too much in everything: ‘All right, you guys asked for it,’” Aaron Baker joked.

A gym owner, he was teaching a fitness class on Aug. 31 when he got the call to come home. His wife said she was feeling contractions that were far apart but was advised by a nurse to come to the hospital. Once in their car, plans soon changed.

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