Several Small Fires Spark Arson Investigation in Michigan

Playing with fire is something were all told that we shouldn’t do but I will say there are safe ways to play with fire. For example, one of the most common is having a firepit in your backyard is the perfect way to play with fire as you can burn just about anything you want as long as its controlled.

Although there are ways to enjoy the hobby of playing with fire without putting other people in danger, sadly, everyone either doesn’t know that these options exist or choose to purposely ignore them. Either way, playing with fire in an unsafe way only leads to danger or criminal charges.

In this case, a Michigan man or woman, may be facing arson charges as police investigate a string of small fires that were set by what believe to be the same person or group. The Calhoun County Sheriff’s office says they are looking into 5 separate fires that were set on Homer over the past few months…

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