Barry County Sheriff’s Office pushes for bodycams after deputies shoot, kill man

HASTINGS, Mich. (WOOD) — The deadly shooting last year of an armed U.S. Army veteran at his home by a Barry County sheriff’s deputy is prompting the department’s push for body cameras, the undersheriff said.

Now, the Barry County Sheriff’s Office is looking for ways to cover the estimated $1 million price tag.

“It’s been a topic that’s been discussed for a long time, but yes, not going to ignore the fact, yes, this incident has made this a need,” Undersheriff Kevin Erb told News 8. “We just need to have it.”

Widow: Husband killed by Barry County deputy did not deserve to die

Siphiwe Johnson called 911 on Oct. 28 to report her husband Jeremiah Johnson, 37, had threatened her at their home in Hope Township…

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