No more stopping: Toll booths to be removed when Kansas Turnpike goes cashless in July

After initially announcing its plans four years ago, the Kansas Turnpike is finally going cashless in 2024 .

The Kansas Turnpike Authority Board announced Jan. 17 that starting in July, the cash collection equipment and toll booths will be removed and the entire roadway will move to cashless tolling at the same time. This means you will no longer have to stop at the toll booths and dig for loose change or pull out your credit card to pay the tolls.

There will be 21 overhead toll gantries placed between the current toll plazas along the 236-mile turnpike through Interstate 70 in Kansas City, Interstate 470 in Topeka, Interstate 335 in Emporia and Interstate 35 to Oklahoma.

Each time drivers pass underneath, they will be charged a per-mile toll, either through their K-TAG sticker or with their license plate. If you have a K-TAG or another type of device, you will pay half of what it costs without a device.

The toll booths will take around 18 months to remove, but traffic will be able to keep moving, according to Rachel Bell, director of business services and customer relations for the Kansas Turnpike Authority. She said the agency will put up signs around the booths reminding drivers that they do not have to stop anymore.

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