Utility, tree removal companies prepare for severe storms in KC area Monday night

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Electric companies like Evergy and local tree removal companies have been preparing for the expected storms in the Kansas City area on Monday night.

“We have multiple crews on standby just to make sure. They’ve got tarps, lights, and all the different equipment necessary,” said Mark Mcwhirt with Everhart Tree Service. “We’ve got cranes, scramble trucks, and bucket trucks to make sure everybody is ready.”

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Everhart Tree Service staff in Kansas City said cleanup after a storm can be dangerous. They suggest calling a reputable company to survey the damage.

“We would be there to check that out. If you’re trapped in your house, we’ll get you out,” McWhirt explained. “If the tree is on your house, We’ll get it off of your house. We have all the equipment necessary and can do it without any further damage.”

Evergy crews will be ready to respond to any outages once weather conditions are safe.

“As soon as the storm has moved through, they can get out there and take a look at any potential restoration that needs to be done,” said Courtney Lewis, a spokesperson for Evergy. “We have such a large service area. So if there’s a part of our service area that has had some significant damage and there are quite a few outages, we can pull some crews from another part of our service area that may not have had those kinds of outages.”

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