Wayside Waifs 34th annual Strutt With Your Mutt raising funds for pets

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — There was no shortage of cute pets at Wayside Waifs 34th annual Strutt With Your Mutt fundraiser in Brookside.

“This is Sadie, she’s 10, and she’s an Australian shepherd lab,” dog owner John Eidson said.

Owners and their furry friends participated in a race or walk and enjoyed activities from local businesses all for a good cause.

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“Every single penny raised here today will go help these animals,” Wayside Waifs Communications Manager Casey Waugh said.

“Whether it’s medical that they need, behavior care…whatever it is. Just a little bit of love until they’re able to find their homes.”

Providing care for more than 27,000 animals a year, volunteers like Cassie Davis say it takes a lot of help from the community to continue the shelter’s mission of caring for animals in need.

“There are so many animals that are in distress. I’ve seen some that are in bad, bad condition. But yeah, I think it’s very important work to aid the animals who cannot help themselves,” Davis explained.

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