As the clock strikes midnight on Jan. 1, 2025, you might be tempted to add joyful noise to the celebration by firing a gun or shooting off your own fireworks.
But starting the new year with these kinds of bangs could set you back hundreds of dollars, or even send you to jail.
In 2024, a Missouri law that penalizes celebratory gunshots in cities and towns took effect. Even lighting up fireworks could get you in trouble, since some Missouri municipalities ban pyrotechnics at New Year’s.
Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas said in a Tuesday press conference that those who fire a gun in celebration are committing a violent crime with the potential for injury and death.
“Put the guns down this New Year’s Eve,” he said.
Kansas City Police Chief Stacey Graves told residents to call 911 if they heard gunshots.
“To whatever extent you have influence over friends, family or neighbors, if you hear them talking about getting a gun to shoot, please talk them out of it. That conversation could save a life,” she said.