Rain chances remain high for now, then a taste if fall in store

Weather Headline : More widespread rain coverage today, along with lower daytime highs.

What We Are Tracking:

Watching a persistent low pressure area in the Gulf, and is wondering around with no real direction, but is now appearing to retrograde back towards the lower Texas coast. This will put us in the eastern side of the low center, which is the wetter side. This in combination with a weak front slowly moving towards the area, will keep rain chances high through Thursday. By Friday, the front will have passed trough, pushing all the rain eastward, and leaving us with dry conditions, finally a little taste of fallm with a bit lower humidity Friday into the weekend.

A Closer Look:


Future Tracker Feel Like Temperatures

Future Tracker Feel Like Temperatures

Even with clouds and rainfall, heat index will reach near 100 each afternoon.

Plan my Day:


Victoria Plan My Day Tuesday

Victoria Plan My Day Tuesday

Keep your umbrella handy, and dress cool. Hot and humid conditions along with scattered thunderstorms expected on Tuesday.

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