Houston Defensive Coordinator Matt Burke is ready to play Jacksonville on Sunday

Matt Burke spoke to the media this week about not underestimating Jacksonville based on their win record.

On how much he has emphasized this week to not look at the Jaguars record and more so look at how explosive they can be if they get going

Matt: Yeah, I mean no doubt. I mean it doesn’t matter; records don’t matter. We’re coming off a disappointing loss and so are they, so I think the desperation level is going to be high on both sides and the urgency always is but it’s a division game and we want to defend our home turf. We know what they’re capable of and we had two battles against those guys last year and they’ve added some talent. It’s a good scheme and we have to be ready to go. If we’re not doing what we’re supposed to be doing – I mean everyone is capable of beating us but they have a lot of weapons for sure.

On if there are off script plays on defense where the quarterback escapes and you just have to go get him

Matt: The coordination of the rushes is more about not letting the quarterback get out, but once the quarterback’s out of the pocket then there is a little bit of chaos theory going on and it’s about tracking, hunting and kind of chasing. The coordination part is where you’re trying to either not let quarterbacks out, or easy escapes or not let them out where they want to go. Like sometimes we’ll kind of want guys to get out, but where we want them to go and sort of have guys designed to pick that up. I would say the coordination part is before that like once the quarterback gets out there is still some rules and some sort of guidance on where we want to be. Again, we can’t have eight guys coming out of coverage to go try to get the quarterback out of the pocket and then there is six guys behind us downfield. The coordination part is more about before that happens and once it happens then yeah there is a little bit of chaos. There is always rules within certain coverages of like who is kind of eligible to come out of coverage to go pick up the quarterback and whose not and has to stay back. There are kind of some rules with that, but once a play breaks down – If you’re in coverage try to get close to a man you’re supposed to get close to and everyone else try to get the quarterback back down.

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