Big Cat Brunch: Roars of approval for animal rescue’s mission

A pride of big cat supporters was on the prowl during the Big Cat Brunch at the Vero Beach Yacht Club hosted by the Central Florida Animal Rescue. CFLAR is a big cat and wildlife sanctuary in St. Cloud that is home to animals rescued from inhospitable and unsafe situations.

The mission of the nonprofit is to protect these cats and those in the wild through what they call their three Cs: compassion, conservation and commitment. CFLAR currently houses 17 big cats, a mix of lions, tigers, leopards, cougars and serval.

Dr. K. Simba Wiltz, CFLAR board SVP and CEO, spoke of the history of the organization, how it came to be in its current location, and the changes that needed to be made in order to care for and feed the animals. He also gave an overview of the cats’ diminished numbers in the wild due to development, animal trafficking and overhunting…

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