Amid dispute over primary loss, Anderson County officials criticize Ragan’s education stances

Rep. John Ragan, R-Oak Ridge, confronted by members of the public after a meeting of the committee on studying rejecting federal education funds in Nov. 2023. Several officials in Ragan’s district say his stances on education played a factor in his Aug. 1, 2024 loss in the Republican primary.(Photo: John Partipilo)

Positions on Gov. Bill Lee’s school voucher plan and reading standards may have cost Rep. John Ragan, an Oak Ridge Republican, his berth as the Republican nominee.

Ragan is challenging his 258-vote loss to former Clinton Police Chief Rick Scarbrough in the Aug. 1 primary and the Tennessee Republican Party Executive Committee will hear arguments in his case Saturday.

Ragan has blamed his loss on Democrats who crossed over to vote in the Republican primary but local elected officials said his education stance played a role.

“In short, I believe that John Ragan lost because he listens to lobbyists and party hacks, and not to his constituents,” said Angi Agle, a member of the Oak Ridge Board of Education Member, noting she does not speak for the bord. “When (predecessor) Jim Hackworth served the 33rd District, he would frequently call to inquire about how a proposed bill might affect Oak Ridge Schools.  He was doing his homework, not calling on someone from his own party, but someone with boots on the ground who might be able to provide additional insight.”

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