Branson Hickman says ‘it’s time to put the loss in the past’

Branson Hickman spoke to the media this week about fixing mistakes on the offensive line and the vibe of the team after the loss to Tennessee.

What’s the vibe of the team after that loss to Tennessee?

Branson: I mean, you never want to lose a game but it’s time to put it in the past. We have a good team. We’re playing this week so we’re just looking forward to getting out there on Saturday and playing again.

Brent said after the game that he was tired of seeing the same mistakes along the offensive line. What can you guys do to fix those?

Branson: Just continue to show up to work every day. I mean, obviously we’re not clicking at the moment. We just have to keep doing more. We’re doing more, we’re meeting more together off the field and stuff. We’re really trying to up our level. It’s really just showing up every day ready to work and competing to the best of our ability.

Is there something from going against the caliber of defensive line that Tennessee had that you guys can take away and apply to the rest of the season?

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