Brentwood, Brentwood Academy repeat as TSSAA boys golf champs; Page girls win AA title

The Brentwood and Brentwood Academy boys golf teams didn’t disappoint, capturing consecutive TSSAA state golf championships during Friday’s rounds of the Class AA and Division II-AA tournaments respectively at the Sevierville Golf Club in Sevierville.

Page finished with its first girls Class AA state title while St. Mary’s earned the DII-AA girls championship by nine strokes over Baylor.

Brentwood Academy’s 1-2 punch to win DII-AA

With the departure of three-time state champion Blades Brown, who decided to leave Brentwood Academy this past summer to be homeschooled., there may have been some doubt if the Eagles could win a second consecutive title.

Carter Graham and Andrew Sciortino silenced any skeptics. Graham finished with the individual DII-AA state title after shooting a two-day total of 13-under 131. Sciortino finished state runner-up with an 11-under 133.

“It’s pretty satisfying and gratifying,” Brentwood Academy coach Buddy Alexander said after his team shot a 568, eight strokes better than state runner-up MUS. “We obviously had a great golfer in Blades Brown, but we knew we still had the talent to get it done.”

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