Hurricane Risk Increases For Gulf of Mexico as Tropical Storm Beryl Will Rapidly Strengthen

Tropical Storm Beryl Likely to Attain Hurricane Status in Less Than 12-24hrs

06/29/24 11:08am ET

Good morning everyone. We are watching Tropical Storm Beryl very closely as rapid strengthening occured overnight in the Atlantic. Yesterday’s article discussed a tropical wave about to become a tropical depression, and how it looked and played the part of a much stronger system before its designation.

Inflow and outflow looked very healthy, and shear was very low. This allowed our system to race through its “depression” to tropical storm-status, and soon hurricane. It’s quite possible that before this article is distributed, Beryl may have already become a hurricane.

As of this moment, winds are at 65mph and our storm is racing to the west at 23mph. This is a very serious storm and also a rare one at that. Late June is not the typical season for Cape Verde-like hurricanes, but Beryl will buck the system and give as a rare glimpse of what can happen if conditions are “just right”.

The Caribbean is up first as we begin to watch the Lesser Antilles very closely. We already have hurricane watches posted, and we are expecting to have a strong hurricane on our hands. At this point, I can just about assure you that development will remain rapid as conditions are very favorable.

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