Lafayette Parish woman named Louisiana Farm Bureau Outstanding Young Farm Woman

NEW ORLEANS — A Lafayette Parish sugar and cattle producer is this year’s Louisiana Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers Outstanding Young Farm Woman. 

Amanda Duhon, 33, received the award Thursday, June 27 at the Louisiana Farm Bureau’s 102nd annual convention.  Duhon is a first-generation sugarcane farmer and a fourth-generation cattle producer, but she said that wasn’t always the case.  

“I was actually a first-generation cattle farmer until three years ago,” Duhon said. “My grandparents had cattle on both sides going back a few generations, but my parents didn’t have cattle until three years ago whenever they purchased 30 head of for themselves. So, it’s interesting to now be a fourth-generation cattle farmer whenever you’re 33.” 

Duhon and her husband, Kelsi, managing an 800-acre farming operation. She also is mother to three boys and author of two children’s books. Duhon said she started writing her first book, Case and the Sugar Run, in 2020 to help educate children about how their food is produced.       

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