Free professional youth mentorship program for middle, high school students

A free professional athletic mentorship program is coming to Lafayette the weekend of January 17 for any interested middle and high school students and their parents.

Presented by Lead Louisiana, it will feature one-on-ones, seminars, and games of golf, bowling, hunting, and fishing with various professional athletes and personalities. A visit to the Acadiana Mall is included as well.

More than 400 spots are available according to Lead Louisiana’s Youth Director, Walter Guillory.

“We want to certainly invite athletes, but any kid is invited to come to this, and we are encouraging parents to bring their kids and of course for parents to stay, we have a session for parents as well,” Guillory told KATC.

Here is the current schedule:

All day Friday, January 17
Golfing, Fishing, Bowling, Hunting, and Acadiana Mall visit

Saturday, January 18, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Panelists of Professional Athletes to discuss conflict resolution, peer pressure, life skill practices
Location: Northside High School
Lunch will be served

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