The quaint town of Dover, Florida, was shaken by the mystifying disappearance of a young mother, Veronica Marllen Reyes-Diaz. At just 23 years old, Veronica’s sudden vanishing on January 18, 2020, has left a void in her family and a series of unanswered questions.
The evening of January 17 was like any other for Veronica. She took her two older sons to her sister’s house in Plant City and returned home. Later, she went out with a friend, planning to enjoy a night at a restaurant. However, what transpired after she returned home in the early hours of January 18 remains a baffling mystery.
After being dropped off at her home by a friend around 1:15 am, Veronica picked up her children from her sister’s place and returned home. This would be the last confirmed sighting of her. By the time her husband awoke at 7:00 am, Veronica was nowhere to be found. Her absence was alarming, and her prolonged silence only deepened the concern.
The investigation into Veronica’s disappearance revealed some intriguing details. Her vehicle, a Chevrolet Yukon, was found parked outside her house. Inside, her keys and wallet, containing $100, were left untouched. Her cell phone, which could have offered crucial clues, last pinged to a tower in Dover but was either turned off or ran out of battery on the night she vanished.