Meth & Berries: Illegal Berry Harvest Leads to Arrests in Polk County

In a recent operation, officers responded to reports of illegal harvesting of saw palmetto berries in the Arbuckle Wildlife Management Area. The officers, Cody Seitz and Vincent Fioramanti, observed two individuals harvesting saw palmetto berries. As the officers approached, the individuals attempted to flee on foot but were quickly located by Officer Seitz, hiding in the saw palmettos.

Upon investigation, the officers discovered a bin and mesh bag containing 30 pounds of harvested saw palmetto berries, along with a hand saw and a pair of garden shears.

In Florida, harvesting saw palmetto berries is regulated and illegal without proper authorization due to ecological, sustainability, and commercial reasons. These berries are crucial for local wildlife and their overharvesting can disrupt ecosystems and deplete plant populations. Harvesting saw palmetto berries without permits can lead to legal consequences, including fines and imprisonment.

Additionally, drug paraphernalia was found on both individuals. Polk County deputies arrived on the scene and conducted field tests on the drug paraphernalia, which tested positive for methamphetamine.

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