Southeastern Univ. in Lakeland will screen documentary about mission trips on Sept. 24

Southeastern University’s missions department will premiere its documentary, “SENT,” at the Polk Theater in Lakeland at 7 p.m. on Sept. 24. The event is free and open to the public.

The documentary highlights the work of SEU Missions, which sent over 500 students on nearly 50 mission trips across 40 nations this year, the school said in a news release. Some of the trips featured in the film include evangelism at the Paris Olympics and visits to unreached tribes in the Himalayas.

“Our students have been at the forefront of sharing the gospel in some of the most remote and challenging places on earth,” SEU Missions Director Ahmed Velez said in the release. “The documentary captures their journeys, showing how they’ve responded to the call to go and make disciples, just as Jesus commissioned us to do.”

Most of the video was recorded by SEU students, the release said. The documentary highlights students on trips to Zambia, Greece, Norway, Mexico, Angola, Utah and other locations.

The screening is a part of SEU Missions’ Go Conference, an annual missions conference for the university community, which includes special speakers, workshops and a trip launch that reveals the destinations where students can serve next.

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