Cops Arrested Alleged Shoplifters Who Used Poop as Distraction

The shoplifters who allegedly used a bowel movement as a distraction to make off with a basket full of goods are no longer on the loose … cops arrested the people they believe are the pooping bandits.

The incident happened back in December but now police say they have identified and arrested the couple, who they refer to as “Mr. Clean” and “Ms. Dookie.”

Cops say 57-year-old Tina Joyce is the one who dropped a deuce in the store … after helping 36-year-old Nikevee Curry load up a shopping cart with cleaning supplies and beer.

Police say the poop served as a way to occupy a store employee, who was apparently busy cleaning up the crap when Curry beelined it out of the store without paying for nearly $500 worth of goods…

Story continues