Predator once on brink of extinction makes remarkable comeback in unlikely location: ‘Amazing things happen’

There are crocodiles in Florida. Yes, crocodiles. While almost everyone has heard about the infamous Florida alligator, most are unaware that Florida also has American crocodiles. Surprisingly, that’s a good thing. There is an unexpected sanctuary just south of Miami, according to the Indian Defense Review .

Once on the brink of extinction, this species is making a comeback in a surprising place — the Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Station cooling canals. American crocodile nests were first discovered in the network of canals in 1977, which led to a monitoring initiative in 1978.

Considered an endangered species in 1975, with less than 300 individuals remaining in Florida, Florida Power & Light opted to do the right thing. Rather than seeing the crocs as a nuisance, FPL decided to monitor and protect them…

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