‘Don’t take her out in public’: Toddler’s injuries so bad family member advised mom to keep her at home, cops say

A mother and her boyfriend are facing charges after a toddler girl suffered fractures to her arm, leg and ribs, a bite mark and bruising throughout her body, along with her two bottom teeth being knocked out, according to Florida authorities.

Jordan Moore, 28, stands accused of child neglect while her boyfriend Jesse Smith, 29, is charged with aggravated child abuse . The Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office in the Sunshine State’s Panhandle began investigating Jan. 8 when the girl, whose age was not revealed, was taken to a hospital with serious injuries in various stages of healing that authorities believe were the result of child abuse, a probable cause arrest affidavit said.

More from Law&Crime: Mom who blamed 3-year-old’s ‘significant burns’ on bug bites, made incriminating Google searches receives fate

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