Biting, Kicking, Cocaine: Illegal Alien’s Traffic Stop Turns Violent In Davenport, Polk County Sheriff Notifies ICE

POLK COUNTY, Fla. – A routine traffic stop turned violent Wednesday evening in Polk County when a Mexican national attacked deputies and attempted to ingest drugs in a failed effort to conceal evidence, according to the Polk County Sheriff’s Office.

The incident occurred around 6:02 p.m. on March 19 when detectives pulled over a white Ford Ranger pickup truck on Power Line Road near Snell Creek Road in Davenport. While the driver and front-seat passenger cooperated, the middle passenger escalated the situation, deputies said.

Detectives observed the man pulling a white baggie from his pocket and attempting to hide it. When they reached in to remove him from the vehicle, the man — later identified as 60-year-old Esteban Fernandez Uriostegui — became violent…

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