Going where they get a bang for their bucks: Marylanders cross border for holiday fireworks

It’s the evening before the Fourth of July, and the parking lot of the Phantom Fireworks store is crawling with SUVs and pick-up trucks trolling for a parking spot.

Based on the number of Maryland flag and Chesapeake Bay license plates coming in and out of the parking lot, it might appear this store was in Maryland. But the shop is actually 10 minutes north of the border, off Interstate 83 in Shrewsbury, Pennsylvania, a state with significantly looser laws and restrictions around fireworks.

Such is the reality ahead of Independence Day: Marylanders crossing the border to purchase fireworks that are illegal in their home state.

Tips to celebrate safely

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission offers the following tips to stay safe when handling fireworks:

  • Make sure to know which fireworks are legal in your area.
  • Do not allow children to handle fireworks.
  • Do not use fireworks while impaired by alcohol or drugs.
  • When using fireworks, keep a bucket of water or a garden hose nearby in case of emergency.
  • Do not try to relight a malfunctioning firework. Instead, soak it in water and then throw it away.
  • Spent fireworks should be doused with water before throwing them away to prevent trash fires.

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