Lansing working to fill building inspector vacancies

LANSING, Mich. (WLNS) – Help is wanted, and needed in Lansing as there is a severe shortage of building inspectors in the city.

A fully staffed building inspector team in Lansing should be 5 people. Right now there is 1 building inspector and 1 overseer.

The Director of Lansing’s Economic Development and Planning Department, Rawley Van Fossen said he is working to fill those open spots after the Department had several retirements and resignations at the same time, which created the vacancies. Local contractor, Rodney Frey, is concerned about the amount of work that’s being put on just 1 person.

“If you want to make the city pretty and safe. You gotta have the building inspectors that are fresh and won’t miss a thing,” Frey said.

Frey has been working as a contractor in the area for 11 years. He said he worries about 1 person doing the work of 5.

“If you have 1 building inspector that’s over boarding work. He’s gonna miss, maybe there’s a potential to miss something if you’re overworked and don’t have people to share the load with you,” Frey said.

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