Holt nonprofit provides free Diapers and Formula for families in need

  • Video shows Holt nonprofit, SOAR, who runs out of Holt’s daycare center, Caterpillar Corner, and is aiming to help costs of Diapers by giving them away for free.
  • The nonprofit is seeking donations for children’s diapers, adult diapers, formula, pull-ups, and more.
  • One Holt High School teen is volunteering this summer as she feels it’s good to give back.

(The following is a transcription of the full broadcast story)

A nonprofit in Holt is offsetting inflation costs.

“Our first week being open was last week Wednesday,” said Regina Fancher.

The nonprofit is giving out free diapers, formula, and more to neighbors that need them.

“We had over 300 diapers we gave out,” said Fancher.

An effort by Support, Opportunities, Academics, Resources, otherwise known as SOAR, aims to help families in our neighborhoods.

“We have quite a few families that are in need and could use some assistance,” said Fancher.

The nonprofit is seeking help from neighbors to donate diapers for both children and adults, pull-ups, formula, and things like baby powder and wipes.

Story continues