Good Neighbor Mae Bolt knits hundreds of sweaters for kids Bob Hoffman
Mae Bolt has been knitting for 86 years

As the crisp air starts to settle in, you might be thinking about sweaters. Lansing resident Mae Bolt, a knitting aficionado, has been looping yarn into cozy creations longer than most of us have been around and she is this week’s Good Neighbor.

Mae proudly says,  “I’ve been knitting all my life practically.”

Mae isn’t just spinning yarn — she’s been turning it into beautiful creations since she was a child. Now, in her 90’s, she’s become a living legend in the world of knitting.

“Well, I’m 93 and I’ve been knitting since I was seven, so that I don’t know I’m not good at math either. You’ll have to figure that one out.” Bob Hoffman
Mae Knitting

We did the math and found out Mae’s been knitting for a phenomenal 86 years. That’s a lot of yarn and an awful lot of patience.

“I’m not much of a card player and I like watching TV, so I and I can knit while I watch TV. I can even knit and sometimes I fall asleep, and that works too. I guess when you’ve been doing it this long, you can do most anything.”

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