Candidates for Lansing School Board call for transparency, better outcomes for students

LANSING — More open, honest communication is needed from the Lansing School District, Board of Education candidates say.

“There’s a gap between district leadership and community,” said Joshua Crim, who was appointed to the board last spring and is running for a full term.

Candidates say they’re also concerned about improving the outcomes for the students graduating from the district.

“We need to be promoting more positive outcomes outside of just graduation rates,” candidate LaVonte Heard said. “We need to offer resources, enrichment, internships, trade, civic opportunities so our kids aren’t just graduating and are instead fully prepared to be adults today.”

Crim and Heard, and six other candidates – James Allen, Keturah Bouyer, Dan Nowiski, Kyle Richard, Cirea Strode and Simon Verghese – are running for the three open seats and one candidate, Deyanira Nevárez Martínez is running uncontested for the available partial term seat.

Three of the candidates – Crim, Nowiski and Nevárez Martínez – were appointed to the board in the past year and are running for a full term.

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