Clark County Ends Special Education Teacher Stipend Early Amid Vacancy Concerns

The additional pay for teachers in special education and Title I schools in Clark County School District (CCSD) is coming to an early end, as announced in a recent email to employees. This pay was initially agreed upon by CCSD and the Clark County Education Association (CCEA) last year to address high vacancy rates by offering a $5,000 stipend to eligible teachers. The funding, however, has been depleted before the end of the school year, meaning teachers will not receive the full stipend.

The stipend was intended to attract and retain teachers in high-vacancy areas, particularly Title I schools, which serve low-income communities. While the stipend contributed to a 53% reduction in vacancies in Title I schools and a 26% reduction in special education, many educators are concerned about the sustainability of this approach. According to CCEA’s executive director, John Vellardita, the stipend effectively reduced vacancies, but its termination raises concerns about maintaining these gains.

Interim Superintendent Brenda Larsen Mitchell reported in January that the district had 700 teacher vacancies, 570 of which were in Title I schools. The stipend had encouraged teachers to fill these positions, but its discontinuation may lead to a resurgence in vacancies…

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