National homebuilder submits $36 million bid to buy Las Vegas Cashman Field site

LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — A national homebuilder submitted a bid of more than $36 million to buy the former Cashman Field site.

According to the City of Las Vegas LinkedIn page, national homebuilder Lennar, registered as Greystone LLC, had the highest of the two bids submitted. The city has been trying to find a buyer to redevelop the 50-acre parcel and surrounding buildings in the downtown area. This was the second attempt to auction the property. There were no bidders in the first attempt.

City Council members will vote on March 19 on whether to accept the high bidder or reject all bids. There was no information on what Lennar plans to do with the site. Under the auction terms, “the city and Lennar will negotiate a purchase and sale agreement, including a timeline to secure land use entitlements and a closing date,” according to the city.

The Cashman property includes a ballpark, warehouse, storage, theater, and parking lots and was used to host baseball games, political events, and more before the complex was closed in 2017…

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