A designated camping spot for Lexington homeless is not being considered

The City of Lexington’s Housing Advocacy and Community Development Commissioner says there are no plans to establish a designated homeless camping area. A provision in the new state law provides for that option. Charlie Lanter said the urban county government’s attempt to deal with homelessness has been to use the existing shelter network.

“And then work on plans throughout the winter and sort of peak seasons to find different solutions such as the Hope Village that we did last year to meet the growth and demand that occurs whenever you have potentially dangerous weather conditions,” said Lanter.

Lexington police have issued citations for illegal homeless camping this summer. Charlie Lanter said a designated spot to camp doesn’t eliminate the possibility of arrest.

“They still have to choose to go there. There’s still nothing in the law that provides for us to forcibly remove people to the camping area. And so, we have that challenge now. There are people who could go to a shelter, but for whatever reason aren’t choosing to do so or aren’t wanting to do so…sometimes for good reasons,” said Lanter.

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