Shaking ping pong balls in downtown Lexington to raise awareness of colon cancer screening

Increasing screening for colon cancer continues to be an ongoing emphasis in Kentucky. A Lexington man with significant experience with the disease hopes to boost awareness this weekend.

Alex Herring was not even in his mid-30’s when diagnosed with stage four colon cancer. He’s been through surgeries and chemotherapy and now a primary goal is spreading the word about screening. Herring said the first awareness event with a colorful name will be held Saturday, one to five at Ethereal Brewing.

“With colon cancer you’re literally talking about people’s bowels and their habits there, which is a very awkward conversation. So, with Shake Ass for the Bluegrass we really tried to remove that awkward component and just try to make it more about fun,” said Herring.

That fun will include shaking ping pong balls out of a box and raffle prizes. In addition, Herring noted there will be colon screening info and a registered nurse to answer questions. He plans to have some heart-to-heart talks during the four-hour event.

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