Lexington VA to hold ‘Homeless Stand Down’ in Somerset Sept. 19

In the U.S. military, whether it’s a barracks or family housing or ship’s quarters or a tent, servicemen and women don’t need to worry about a place to stay. When they’re discharged, sometimes it’s a different story. Next Thursday, Lexington’s Veterans Affairs Healthcare System and community partners will hold a “Homeless Stand Down” in Somerset. Amy Crowe, the VA’s homeless outreach worker, said it’s aimed at folks with higher than usual risk factors.

“Those who’ve served in combat, there’s a lot of mental health issues that coincide with that, like PTSD. A lot of times there’s a lot of self-medication, so there’s some substance use issues. So that those are things that really increase your chances of becoming homeless.”

Crowe said the event will highlight services available to homeless vets, including the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s VASH program. VASH stands for Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing.

“Veterans get a section eight voucher, and they have VA case management with it. So we have a lot of vouchers down there and a lot of need. So that’s where we while we pick that location.”

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