Plenty of potholes persist in Arkansas, pounding tires & pocketbooks

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – Jacks and spare tires are getting their time to shine because of a plethora of potholes. Roads crews are rushing to fix them drivers are trying their hardest to dodge them.

“It can pop a tire. It can cause an accident,” Kay Mont said.

ARDOT schedules Friday lane closures for pothole repairs in Saline County, Jacksonville

In Little Rock, Mont and her sports car have swerved passed their fair share of potholes, but in busy streets, she said it’s not always possible.

“It is a shocker when you hit the bumps because it jars the car and it makes it sway so you don’t know which way your car is going to go,” Mont said.

Repair crews are packing potholes as quickly as they can in the city and on state roads. As welcome as they are, the frequent interruptions are causing a headache of their own. Interstate 30 in Saline County is one roadway that has been closed multiple times this week for emergency repairs. It is also part of Austin Hanig’s commute.

“I’m sick of the traffic, potholes everywhere,” Hanig said. “They decide to work on it 5 o’clock in the evening or the morning. The worst, most inconvenient time,” Hanig said.

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