Arkansas legislators approve $200,000 salary for former Corrections Secretary Joe Profiri after board’s firing

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – Former Department of Corrections Secretary Joe Profiri has a new job with the Arkansas government, and after a Friday meeting, he also has a new salary.

Profiri’s new job as senior advisor to Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders was announced immediately after he was fired by the Board of Corrections a few weeks ago, and the Arkansas Legislative Council approved a $104,000 appropriations transfer to pay him for the remainder of the 2023-2024 fiscal year.

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This week, while the salary was up for discussion and approval, some legislators raised questions regarding the pay and actual job description, though lawmakers quickly approved the salary proposal with no discussion or voiced opposition.

One lawmaker told KARK 4 News after the meeting that despite concerns from some on both sides, it was not worth the fight with this majority.

Profiri’s new salary comes out to $201,699.69, according to the Arkansas Transparency website. That is less than his $210,000 salary as secretary, though is still higher than several other secretaries and most state employees.

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