Members of Arkansas Martin Luther King Jr. Commission host school supply giveaway Saturday

NORTH LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – Members of the Martin Luther King Jr. Commission are teaming up with the community to make sure students have what they need this school year.

They hosted a back-to-school supply giveaway at the Network of Believers Church on Harold Street Saturday morning.

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Organizers said there are more youth-focused events planned in September.

“We’re also having a festival, a non-violence youth summit on September 19. In about three weeks, we’ll be kicking off at Southwest High School and we’ll have a festival at this same location later on that evening in North Little Rock promoting non-violence and to stop the violence throughout the community,” DuShun Scarbrough, Executive Director for the Arkansas Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission said.

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Saturday’s event also had free haircuts, food and games. For more information about the MLK Commission and their upcoming events, visit .

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